Tuesday 7 June 2016


                        TMS CENTENARY 



                       A TRIBUTE TO TMS TEACHERS 

OUGH THE YEARS - from the TMS School Magazines 


       With grateful thanks to all who contributed to decades of                             THE ANNUAL and later the TiMeS

                       so that these invaluable records of our

                        TEACHERS AND HEADMASTERS

                                     will be with us forever.

A drawing of TMS probably in the 1930s taken from 1964 TiMeS


                                       The first TMS brick and concrete school near present
                                       KP Stadium Bahau Road - Built probably in the 1920s

  For a record of the FIRST TMS a wooden bungalow used as the1914  TMS school not far from this building( which) still stands  see the first TMS Headmaster MR JW Moore's  report in the History of TMS below. A detailed content of Mr Moore's letter of 1935 describing his arriving to take up the position of HM  will follow in a later Blog by author.

                                                  History of TMS from 1964 Annual Magazine
Earliest Picture of TMS taken in 1937 with school girls at a multicultural dance

(from Author's personal collection )

1946 School Certificate Class with staff and Mr G E D Lewis
 as first post-war Headmaster

TMS 1950 or so - note only the School and Hostel are there with a forested Bukit Temensu backdrop

TMS STAFF of 1964 with profiles

TUANKU MUNAWIR STAFF from First School Magazine 1970


TMS  from a Drawing probably in the 1930s

TMS 1950s

TMS 1990

TMS 2012

TMS 2013

Col (B) Dr Biswajit Das Class of 1964 and author Class of 1958 in front of the 
TMS Centennial Tower

TMS on 16 April 2016

                                                                           TMS 2016 16 April


         Col. (B) Dr BISWAJIT DAS class of 1964 TM) and Author, Class of 1958 TMS at Centennial



                   An Appeal to TMS students past and present
The pictures and notes in this blog would not have been possible without copies of TMS school magazines. Unfortunayely I heard that school magazines may not be in print as in the 1950s- 60s.

If you have school magazines of old any year, I will be grateful for your contribution  of copies of the same to enrich this record of our Alma Mater. Please contact through e-mail below.
Terima Kasih !

class of 1949-58